The Netherlands has recently gained a new inclusive dance and theater company: Compagnie 21 |Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri, which, under the direction of choreographer Jordy Dik, aims to organically bring together different worlds. In this eighteenth edition of the Holland Dance Festival you can get to know this refreshing new company and its first, successful production No Bodies. The hard core of Compagnie 21 consists of people with disabilities who have been trained for years at Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri. Compagnie 21 offers them the chance to show the professional theater world what they have to offer. “That way,” the group propagates, ”we get moving together. A movement bigger than ourselves.”
Chance for a new face
In No Bodies, the dancers of Tiuri, together with professional dancers and live musicians, embark on the search for who they want, can and may be. Alone and together. On stage, but also in the real world. Without a velvet glove, Compagnie 21 seeks the confrontation with the unknown. Precisely that which normally remains invisible and therefore unknown, the company wants to make tangible. “Then everything automatically gets a chance at a new face.”
Not seen and misunderstood
The title No Bodies is a twofold reference to the aforementioned quest. The creators try to deconstruct the body into a no-body. Into a nobody. An unrecognizable body with no identity. Moreover, a nobody is someone who falls outside society. Who is hidden away and who does not feel seen or understood. These two elements are reinforced by the set; a life-size transparent wall of Plexiglas that separates the performers from the audience. A visual wall that is a metaphor for the distance that yet so often exists between people. A wall conceived before the corona crisis and only made more meaningful by how the world has changed.
Promising journey
Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri was founded in 2003 and has laid the foundation for professional talent development of special, but often still invisible talent. With the founding of Compagnie 21, Tiuri, consisting of dancers with and without intellectual disabilities, is spreading its wings and embarking on a promising journey. A journey that will hopefully bring about much-needed change within the Dutch theater landscape. Choreographer Jordy Dik: “The players of Tiuri naturally show such a filterless and deep layer of themselves that they forced the professionals to do the same. This resulted in a visible amplification that only reinforced the meeting between Tiuri and the professional guest dancers and musicians.”
De verwachting is dat er extreem harde wind komt, dus deze voorstelling op vr 18 feb gaat helaas NIET door. Als u kaarten heeft gekocht voor vr 18 feb, dan is het misschien mogelijk om op za 19 feb deze voorstelling alsnog te bezoeken. Wilt u ons laten weten of u dat wilt via de mail: