Digital Twin Another Kind of Blue

16 till 17 February 2024

Amare, The Hague

€19.00 - €39.00


Everything and everyone has a digital twin brother or sister. Think of computer simulations for large structures, or virtual prototypes for new cars. But you too have one - in the form of all the data collected about you. Often, as humans, we think we have complete control over these digital copies. But is that really the case? 

In a fascinating mix of dance and technology, Digital Twin offers us a glimpse into this intangible twin world. In this new production, choreographers David Middendorp and Wubkje Kuindersma investigate the space and interaction between the physical world and the digital domain. How do they relate and interact? Dancing with a twin version of yourself or with someone who is no longer physically there: Digital Twin proves that it can be done! 

Living on in digital form
In Missing, David Middendorp takes us a step further into the near future. In this touching piece, a dancer engages in a duet with someone who is no longer physically present but whose digital version continues to exist in another world. The choreography explores what it would be like if we could leave behind a digital copy of ourselves for our loved ones. In Frequentie 3 (a third version of a previous choreography), Middendorp takes a completely different path, immersing us in the world of numbers. The dancers in the piece make the mathematics behind digital worlds visible, creating danced floor drawings of 'digital sand' that reacts to vibrations (known as Chladni patterns). Can we, as humans, alter anything in those formulas and frequencies, or would that lead to chaos? 

Dancing drones
The concluding piece in Digital Twin is Middendorp's acclaimed Airman, presented in a new version titled Airman 2.0. The choreography seamlessly aligns with the digital twin theme, as the twelve drones Middendorp employs in this new iteration can only ‘dance’ because there exists a digital twin version of each drone, enabling the necessary calculations for their flight. These little machines often seem to have a life of their own, a spectacle that is not only impressive but also, in a way, emotionally stirring. 

Data & tickets

date start time location price tickets
Fri 16 February 2024 20:00 Amare, The Hague €19,00 - €39,00 Past
Sat 17 February 2024 20:00 Amare, The Hague €19,00 - €39,00 Past


Kim Vos
Kim Vos
Kim Vos
Kim Vos
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Kim Vos
Kim Vos


David Middendorp verbluft met dansers en drones die samensmelten in een betoverende wereld

De Volkskrant

Prikkelende visuele effecten met dansende drones en digitaal zand (..) Met Airman zet choreograaf en ontwikkelaar David Middendorp een nieuwe stap in de richting van zijn ideale 'droneballet'

NRC Handelsblad


Choreografie: Wubkje Kuindersma 
Dansers: Richèl Wieles, Aya Misaki 
Muziek: Anthony Fiumara

3D Visuals Unreal: Mathijs Brussaard (Dutch Tilt Studios)
2D Visuals Live: Stefan Bandalac
Light programming: Valentino Russo
Kostuums: Cindy Innemee, Donna Campen
Technisch ontwerp: David Middendorp 

Metahuman is een coproductie met Korzo 

Choreografie: David Middendorp i.s.m. de dansers
Dansers: Richèl Wieles, Gijs Hanegraaf 
Muziek: Ane Brun - Lamento Della Ninfa / Oh Love
Kostuums: Ben Voorhaar, Sabrina Zyla (Karisma-costumes) 

Drones hardware en Communication; Sioux (Eindhoven) - Bas van der Linden, Ruben Kwant, Stijn Groen, Kees Kooijman
Drones software: Sioux Mijdrecht -Habib Yesilurt, Marcel Stringer
Drone onderhoud: Niels Kloet 
Drone operator/supervisor: Stefan Bandalac
Drones paths and visuals: Mathijs Brussaard & David Middendorp
Programmering drone lichten: David Middendorp


Choreografie: David Middendorp i.s.m. de dansers
3D Visuals Unreal: Mathijs Brussaard (Dutch Tilt Studios) & David Middendorp
Dansers: Richèl Wieles, Gijs Hanegraaf, Gador Benito, Aya Misaki ,Teresa Royo,Alicia Vaseo, Esmee Boevink
Kostuums: Ben Voorhaar, Sabrina Zyla (Karisma-costumes)
Props: Stefan Bandalac, Einstein design
Muziek: Marit Thus

Choreografie: David Middendorp i.s.m. de dansers
Dansers: Richèl Wieles, Gijs Hanegraaf, Gador Benito, Aya Misaki ,Teresa Royo, Alicia Vaseo, Esmee Boevink 
Kostuums: Ben Voorhaar, Sabrina Zyla (Karisma-costumes)
Muziek: Bart Lybeert
3D Visuals Unreal: Mathijs Brussaard (Dutch Tilt Studios) 
Onderzoek Chladmi patronen: TU Eindhoven, T.M. Jansen en Saskia van der Hoeven

MET SPECIALE DANK AAN: Holland Dance Festival, Sioux, Cultuurloket DigitAll , D-sound (Kunstmin, Dordrecht), CKC & Partners- Digital Art Lab, Korzo, , SMLS , Ronald Verlaan, Amber van den Bergh, Luchtzinnig, Optitrack


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