Good [old] Times course Spring 2023 | Modern Basic and Modern Plus

15 February 2025
Theater Dakota & Theater De Nieuwe Regentes

Sjoerd Derine

For every person over 55 who would rather dance than sit still.

The Good [old] Times dance lessons are for everyone aged 55+ who wants to dance. Holland Dance Festival offers several lessons for different levels. Something for everyone. The Good [old] Times dance lessons are for everyone aged 55+ who wants to dance. Holland Dance Festival offers several lessons for different levels. Something for everyone!

“Ik ben van huis uit architect en zie de dans eigenlijk als een voortzetting daarvan. Door te dansen kan ik de ruimte blijven gebruiken. Als het mij gegeven is, denk ik dat ik in mijn doodskist nog zal bewegen.”

— Jozef Sloots, 81 - deelnemer Good [old] Times

During the basic course, you as a participant will work on the basics of modern dance under the guidance of professional dance teachers from Holland Dance Festival. The lessons are mainly about dancing together with fun as the biggest drive. New this season is the (pilot) evening class series: Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM. Everyone aged 55+, with or without dance experience, is welcome for the basic course.

Do you need something extra? You can also take the modern plus course.

Due to great success, the evening class series will be continued until June 2023.


Data & tickets

date start time location price tickets
Wed 18 January 2023 22:35 Korzo Theater, Den Haag Past
Wed 15 February 2023 19:30 Korzo Theater, Den Haag Past
Thu 19 January 2023 10:00 Theater De Nieuwe Regentes, Den Haag Past
Thu 19 January 2023 11:45 Theater De Nieuwe Regentes, Den Haag Past
Fri 20 January 2023 10:30 Theater Dakota Past
Fri 20 January 2023 12:15 Theater Dakota Past




In verband met de veiligheid van de docent en alle dansers houden wij ons aan de richtlijnen vanuit het RIVM over danslessen. Bedankt voor uw begrip.

Voor al onze workshops gelden de Algemene Voorwaarden van Holland Dance Festival.

Kijk dan eerst bij de veelgestelde vragen. Mocht uw vraag hier niet tussen staan, dan kunt u contact opnemen met Yvonne Schellekens.