Special Education

Holland Dance Festival organizes custom-made educational dance programs. Dance sets your children in motion, both literally and figuratively.

The power of dance

Dance not only actively engages children and brings joy, but also offers a fresh perspective on contemporary dance art, teaching them to appreciate the non-verbal power of movement. Furthermore, it provides an avenue for increased self-awareness by introducing dance interpretations of themes relevant to their world.

Beyond its physical benefits, dance acts as a unifying force, transcending social differences. In addition to enhancing physical-motor skills, dance contributes to the development of various (21st-century) competencies. These encompass social-emotional components, the cultivation of musicality, and the fostering and expression of creativity.

A customized dance program

The 'See, Do, Reflect, and Experience' packages are custom-made and apply for both special and regular education settings.

For instance, you have the option to attend a dance performance with your class and engage in reflective discussions. Alternatively, a more comprehensive program can be arranged where students actively participate on the dance floor themselves. Next to that, the Holland Dance Festival provides professional development opportunities for teachers interested in incorporating dance into their own classroom activities.


Do you have questions about the performances or activities? Or do you need help defining your dance program? A team of education staff is at your service for tailored advice and the organization of your dance activities.

Yolanda van der Heijden
Dance in (special) education


Yvonne Schellekens
Educational performances
