Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of Alice in Escherland, where a mesmerizing dance spectacle unfolds, exploring Alice’s surreal escapades and encounters with enigmatic figures such as the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat. This fantastical world is intricately inspired by the renowned graphic artist M.C. Escher.
Building upon the tremendous success of the previously sold-out Alice productions in 2016 and 2018, the Escher jubilee year provides the perfect occasion to bestow this legendary production by De Dutch Don't Dance Division with a new name. The optical illusions and symmetries in Escher's celebrated works come to life on the stage of Amare, both within the set design and the choreography.
Alice in Escherland revolves around Alice's encounters with eccentric characters who guide her into absurd scenes. Discover a unique world in which Alice's timeless adventures in Wonderland and the intriguing artistry of M.C. Escher join together.