Ten acrobats from the Circa ensemble bring Stravinsky's groundbreaking Le Sacre du Printemps to the circus stage. Pulsing with tension and infused with dark humor, this distinctive production by artistic director Yaron Lifschitz explores humanity's interconnectedness, our inherent sexual desire and our relationship with divinity. With a piercing lighting design by Veronique Bennett and a rousing new composition by Phillipe Bachman for the first half, Sacre invades the senses and stirs the soul.
Circa Contemporary Circus
Circa Contemporary Circus is one of the world's leading companies in modern circus. Since 2004, they have toured the world from Brisbane, Australia - performing in 40 countries for more than 1.5 million people. The company has received standing ovations, rave reviews and sold-out houses on six continents.
Groundbreaking and cutting edge
Capable of creating extremely powerful and moving performances, Circa continues to push the boundaries of the art form. Thus, the difference between movement, dance, theater and circus blurs.